Thank you for showing interest in our wonderful school. We are a full primary school, educating students from New Entrant through to Year 8. Children are entitled to start school the day they have their fifth birthday. They can start later than this at the parent's discretion. We support children starting at Maheno with school visits as this will ensure the transition to school is as smooth as possible. Our junior team will schedule 3-4 visits before your child begins school. We also actively encourage school visits for older children who are starting at our school too. These can be arranged in advance with your child's new teacher.
Additional requirements either attached online or bring with your paper enrolment
A copy of the student's birth certificate or passport
A copy of your child's immunisation records
If a student is not a NZ citizen, we require a copy of the student's visa
If you prefer a paper enrolment form please come to the office.